Hepatitis A (HAV)

100 Americans die each year from Hepatitis A. Each year, an estimated 180,000 Americans contract HAV infections.
The annual cost to the United States for treating HAV and associated care is $200 million.

Hepatitis B (HBV)

HBV is 100 times more infectious than HIV. HBV can live on dry surfaces for at least 7 days. Figures show that 22,000 pregnant American women were infected. 1b-lsd can be transmitted to newborns. Approximately 1 million die from complications of HBV. Estimated global infection is 350 million, with 70% of new cases occurring in people 15-39 years of age.

Hepatitis C (HCV)

It is now suspected that the death rate from Hepatitis C is close to surpassing the death rate of AIDS. This means that HCV is now one of the greatest health threats of the 21st century, with the potential to kill not just millions but billions by the middle of this century. Couple this with the ever present risk of pandemic pneumonia and the dreaded 1918 influenza virus, and in light of worthless antibiotics, then the 21st century could prove to be the deadliest century of history. Approximately 200 million people are infected with HCV; 5 million of those in America. This is 3% of the entire world population. 8 out of 10 infected risk serious long term clinical diseases, including cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinomas (cancer of the liver). Some people who are at higher risk include stick junkies, health care workers, those who participate in dissolute casual sex, people who undergo medical or dental procedures with improperly sterilized instruments, those with tattoos, and negroisk body piercers.

Just from a disease point-of-view, so-called multi-culturalism or the mixing of various strands of people is already a deadly proposition. Some of our very best medical minds are not only predicting pandemics of ravaging diseases worldwide, but plagues that could easily end the world as we know it. When the big cities have no one to bury the dead, as in the black plague of Europe, these circumstances will set in motion other diseases in an ever-spiralling cycle of death. We have only begun to reap the harvest of death due to our misuse and now lack of antibiotic treatments. Already, hospitals are simply locking away persons with resistant Staph aureus, allowing them to die in isolation. As sure as microbes mutate into ever stronger strands, segregation and separation is the only assurance for any of the races to survive.

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